On Monday, March 25th, Meghan and I packed our bags and headed to the hospital after work for a scheduled induction. We were going to hit the ‘Week 41’ mark that Wednesday. Based on everything we had been told, the baby just wasn’t in any position to progress and actually start labor. However, since doctors are reluctant to schedule c-sections, induction was what they were recommending. Actually, it took a lot of convincing on Meghan’s end to even get the OB to agree to that. Reluctantly, they contacted the hospital to setup the appointment.
Continue reading “Welcome baby “R”!”Baby “R”, where are you? We are waiting!
Our bags are packed now (literally), we’re ready to go! We may not be leaving on a jet plane, but we’re ready for the whirlwind of having a new baby.
As of this post, we are at Week 37 and 2 days. For Meghan, I think it feels like Week 1,028. We haven’t been sitting idly by and just waiting though, we’ve been doing some more preparation.

January goes out with a bang, and T-7 weeks and counting…
Did someone order snow? We had pretty much been snow-less for the entire month of December….and for the majority of January, but then the “Polar Vortex” hit, and we were buried under snow. Here is a look from out side our front door.

A December to remember
December means lots of things to many people. For me it typically means enjoying time with family. This year it also meant the first Christmas as a married couple, as well as the last Christmas as a “Party of Two”.
The week of Christmas, we had an appointment to see the doctor for the 28 week checkup and ultrasound. This was to be the last ultrasound from here on out we were told, unless they need to verify baby position (the baby is currently breech, but it’s still early).
Continue reading “A December to remember”Wedding Day
We woke up the next morning ready to get the wedding going. After eating breakfast in our room, we started to get ready. I hopped into the shower first, since I was going to be much quicker, and got dressed while it was Meghan’s turn in the shower. Here I am trying to figure out my tie…
On the eve of the wedding…
As a wedding gift to Meghan, I got the two of us a nights stay at one of the Croquet Cottages and the English Inn (the location of our wedding).
The cottage included a gas fireplace (more on that in a bit), a Jacuzzi tub, a king bed, and a great view of the croquet field (except it was too late in the season to actually go out and play croquet!).
We couldn’t check-in till 4pm, so after getting everything around that we needed for the wedding ceremony. we loaded up the car and headed to the mall to grab a board game I had been wanting to get for the two of us to play (Pandemic Legacy Season 2 if you were wondering).
Wedding bells are almost here…
We are now less than 2 weeks away from wedding time. It seems like the time between when we set the date and now has flown by. Hell, it’s almost 2019 already! If you missed the announcement about the location of the wedding, you can read that post now. For everyone else, read on!
At the beginning of summer, Meghan and I made the decision to try and start a family. We have read about people having issues trying to conceive as they get up there in their 30’s, luckily we didn’t seem to have that issue. On July 11th, we got confirmation of the good news…
Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day was finally here, and that meant one thing, heading to Mackinaw City for the annual family vacation. We’ve been going there nearly every year since I was a baby. My family and I always used to go with my grandparents (dad’s side), and I’m glad it’s a tradition we’ve continued even after they have gone.
Meghan and I took Friday off from work, so after packing the car up, we headed north, but not without taking our pre-trip picture.
5k race and 2 new cars
August 4th had arrived, and it was time for the 43rd Annual Clark Lake 5k. I had been training for less than a month (about 3-ish weeks), but I had done all I could do up to that point, it was race day!