Wedding bells are almost here…

We are now less than 2 weeks away from wedding time. It seems like the time between when we set the date and now has flown by. Hell, it’s almost 2019 already! If you missed the announcement about the location of the wedding, you can read that post now. For everyone else, read on!

English Inn
English Inn

As I noted back in June, we are getting married at the English Inn in Eaton Rapids. The significance about this place is that Meghan took me on a date here once…and I kicked her ass in multiple games of croquet on the lawn.

Our intention is to have the ceremony outdoors (it shouldn’t last more than 15 minutes max), at the pergola down by the Grand River as you can see in this picture:

Pergola on the Grand
Pergola on the Grand

However, the current forecast for wedding day isn’t looking the best:

Wedding forecast
Wedding forecast

Temperature-wise, we could probably handle that, but the call for rain could put a damper on things. Send positive vibes our way, and maybe the rain will hold off!

As a gift to Meghan (she already knows, so I’m not spoiling anything here), I got us a room at the Inn for the night before. We are staying in, fittingly, ‘The Croquet Cottages’, that overlook the croquet court and Grand River, and include a Jacuzzi tub, king size bed and gas fireplace.

Cottage Interior
Cottage Interior
Cottage Interior
Cottage Interior
Cottage Interior
Cottage Interior

 Everything is set…except for our dessert…we are still figuring that out. 😁

T-minus 12 days and counting…tick-tock, tick-tock…

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