Our bags are packed now (literally), we’re ready to go! We may not be leaving on a jet plane, but we’re ready for the whirlwind of having a new baby.
As of this post, we are at Week 37 and 2 days. For Meghan, I think it feels like Week 1,028. We haven’t been sitting idly by and just waiting though, we’ve been doing some more preparation.

First up, we wanted to add a name board to the baby’s room. Our house has dark hardwood flooring (black in fact…not our choice, but we’ve made it work), so most everything else in the house is lighter in color. The baby’s room is painted a color called “Cream Puff”, which as you might imagine, is cream-ish in color, with a lean towards a bit more yellow-ish. The furniture in there is white, so we wanted to complement that. The problem is, it’s very hard to read white letters against a light wall. The solution, get black letters! The problem…we couldn’t find black letters in the style we wanted. We picked up white letters and some black paint, and decided to make our own. We also purchased a board to attach them too. Since the letters were going to be black, we painted the board white. Once all of it was dry, we affixed the letters to the board and then hung the name board above the dresser.

Obviously there is more to the name than just the letter “R”, but we’ve intentionally hidden the rest of the name till birth. Sorry!
We had already had a family baby shower, but my office was insisting on throwing one for us as well. We got quite the haul of diapers (7 boxes and 2 packages), along with a seat and thermometer we had been wanting. We also got lots of books to add to our little library.

One of the last things we needed to do was get the baby monitor setup. With the location of the crib, there was no place to position the monitor in such a way from the dresser (the only available ledge in the bedroom) to see into the crib without obstruction. So I searched online for corner shelves, which led me to a small 3M mounted shelf. Meghan ordered it and it arrived within a few days. I got my drill and a drill bit, and went to town on making a hole that would allow us to run the wire through for the monitor. Now it was time to mount it to the wall. We tested out the monitor height ahead of time, and found the perfect spot. With the shelf mounted, we added the monitor.

I’m not a fan of visible wires, but not much we can do in this case for something that isn’t permanent. This height/angle allows us to see the entire inside of the crib, which will help make Meghan sleep better at night.
So now…we wait some more! We’re still unsure of when the baby might come. It seems like the baby has dropped some, though not as much as Meghan would like! 😁
We’re getting pretty anxious and are excited to meet the little human. In the meantime, we have to settle for playing footsie through the belly.