It’s been a while since my last blog post – to be expected I guess…too busy living life to stop and write about it. But we are halfway through the year, and I want to catch you up on what’s been happening in our lives. Let’s go!
Continue reading “The Year 2023 so far…”Christmas train comin’ at ya!
Ah yes…it’s that time of year again. Time to decorate the house…trim the tree….wrap presents….and, oh yeah, ride the Christmas train! Choo-choo!

It is the year 2022 – A check-in
Wow, it’s been a while since my last blog entry. A lot has happened since the last one…let’s try to cover some of that.
Overhauling the house flooring
When I purchased this house back in 2016, I knew the flooring was eventually going to have to go. Initial pictures of the house when i found the listing showed that it had a somewhat dark brown stained hardwood flooring. When I toured the house, the current homeowner was trying to update it a bit, and decided to sand the flooring and overhaul it themselves with black stain. Upon taking ownership of the house, I literally had a weekend to seal it – the previous homeowner didn’t even get to that. In the end, its was a black hardwood floor….which would have looked OK if it had been done right, it wasn’t. So because of that, I knew I would eventually change out the flooring, and over the spring and summer of last year, I did just that. Ripped out the old and put down the new. I have a lot of photos of the process, but I’ll include just a few here.
Continue reading “It is the year 2022 – A check-in”Daughter
You’re the joy of my life,
You’re the sparkle in my eye.
When I’m feeling down, mad or upset,
Your laugh, your smile and your hugs brighten my day.
You amaze me with your intelligence, curiosity and wonder,
And your personality is one all it’s own.
Daughter, you’re the greatest gift I could have ever asked for,
I love you with every fiber of my being, with every ounce of my heart.

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man…
Have you ever seen that movie? It stars Micky Rourke and Don Johnson, the latter of which would have been better off staying in Miami. The movie is ridiculous, but the opening sequence is phenomenal. If you’ve never seen it, give it a watch here:
2021…We made it!
As I’m writing this, we are almost through the first month of 2021, so I’m a bit late to the game here. With that said though…wow, we survived 2020. I have been working to update my portfolio page (, but realized it had been quite a while (July of 2020 actually!) since I wrote a blog post, so I wanted to remedy that.
Continue reading “2021…We made it!”Checking in from the Pandemic
Hello! Greetings! It’s been about four months since my last blog entry, and a lot has happened in that time period. At that time, the onset of the pandemic was occurring, and we had just celebrated Riley’s first birthday. So let’s play catch-up…
Continue reading “Checking in from the Pandemic”1-year and counting…
Well, one year has come and gone already. Who knew it would go so fast? When you’re in K-12, it seems like time drags on and life takes forever. The moment you enter the real world, it’s like time speeds up.
On March 27, 2019, Riley Elizabeth-Lynn Earley was born…and now here she is, already one years old and counting!

Finding a Santa
A few weeks before, Thanksgiving we started to get into the holiday spirit by bringing our Christmas tree up from the basement. We didn’t decorate it right away though. With RIley now crawling, we wanted her to grow accustom to it so that she didn’t crawl over to it every moment we set her down on the floor. A week before it was turkey time, we decide to go ahead and decorate the tree, hang the wreath that Meghan made, and get our stockings up. During that time we talked about trying to find a Santa Clause for RIley to meet and take pictures with. A quick Internet search showed that wasn’t going to be cheap!
Continue reading “Finding a Santa”The first illness…
I haven’t posted in a while, been too busy living life. Finished a deck this summer with my dad, trying to squeeze in some small vacation time here and there, visits with both sides of the family…and well, trying to help Riley fight off her first illness.
It all started on June 23rd, a lazy Sunday where I was just trying to feed Riley…