Goodbye Chicago…Hello Pure Michigan

After about 3.5 hours of sleep, I was up and out of bed around 4am. After hopping in the shower, it was time to wake Meghan up. We gathered our things and were back out the door of the hotel around 5am to hop onto the shuttle to get back to the airport. Can you tell we were thrilled with having to be awake?

We got our tickets, checked our bags, and confirmed that our flight was on time. Luckily, it was.

Once we got through security, we walked to our wing of the airport and found a place to eat. We each had $20 in vouchers, so we had a bit to spare (not much though, airport food is super expensive). I made sure to get one of these delicious cookies.

Once we were aboard the plane, we looked as thrilled as we did in the shuttle ride to the airport.

After a short flight, I think it ended up being right around a 30 minute flight, we were back in Lansing. A day late, and lots of tiredness to go around, but we finally made it!

That brings us to the end of the Wilmington trip, but we will forever have great memories to remember…and I could for sure go back some day. Onward to planning our future together and seeing where life takes us next!

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