Save the date…

After much deliberation on time, place and location, we finally have it all figured out. Meghan and I will be getting married on 11.4.2018. With everything settled, I got to work on some invitations…

We have settled on having a small wedding (keeping it to just immediate family), for a more private affair.

Coming up with a date wasn’t too big a hassle. We settled on wanting it in the Fall, and then just worked out the date based on availability of people we were inviting. November is late Fall, but we’re hoping there may still be a glimmer of warmth  (hopefully not snow!) then to still have the ceremony outside. We’ll see!

Coming up with the location was a bit harder. After tossing around a number of ideas, we settled on the English Inn, a place Meghan had taken me to on a date early on when we first started dating.

Here is some history on it…

In 1927, construction began on the Tudor Revival house designed for auto baron Irving Jacob Reuter (1885-1972) and his wife, Janet (1886-1984). Mr. Reuter was General Manager and President of the Oldsmobile Corporation. The Reniger Construction Co. of Lansing completed the 10,000 square foot house early the next year with “countryhouse” plans drafted by Harold Childs of East Lansing. Named “Medovue” by the Reuters, the property currently sits on 15 acres in Eaton Rapids with the original pergola, swimming pool and gazebo as well as an artesian well, fishpond, annual and perennial gardens, and nature trails.

Having risen through the ranks at the Remy Electric Co., Irving Reuter caught the attention of corporate executives after Remy merged with General Motors in 1918. By 1925, he was appointed General Manager of the Olds Motor Car Co. The Reuters lived and lavishly entertained at Medovue from 1928 to 1936. Great names of American business and automotive giants were guests at social functions. The Reuters were listed both in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in Michigan during their tenure at Medovue. Reuter abruptly retired from Oldsmobile in 1934 and he and Janet moved to Florida in 1936.

From 1940 to 1962 the Roman Catholic Church owned the property, and the Most Reverend Joseph H.Albers, first Bishop of the Diocese of Lansing, used the home as his private residence. In 1989 the property was renovated and converted to an Inn, restaurant and conference center, listed in the State Register of Historic Sites in 1991. It is now owned by Gary and Donna Nelson.

Once again, the gracious spirit of the past thrives throughout the Inn, with its wealth of fine antiques, massive fireplaces and handcrafted woods and, as it once was during the Reuter’s tenure, fine dining and hospitality are the order of the evening at The English Inn.

I don’t have any interior pictures of the place, but I do have these…

After we had dinner that night, we went outside in the yard to play croquet. We played multiple games, and I won every one! 😘

The invitations have now been ordered, and November is only five months away. Let the fun begin!

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