Did someone order snow? We had pretty much been snow-less for the entire month of December….and for the majority of January, but then the “Polar Vortex” hit, and we were buried under snow. Here is a look from out side our front door.

Let’s rewind a bit though. On January 19th, Meghan’s mom and sister-in-law threw her a baby shower at a restaurant in Brighton. We had eaten there with her family towards the end of 2018, and everyone really seemed to like. My mom came up from Clark Lake to ride with Meghan. She brought with her a quilt that a friend of hers made. The pattern used for the quilt was one that my Grandma Earley made for me before I was born (I have the picture somewhere, I can’t just couldn’t find it for this post). It was also the same pattern that she used to create a quilt for Brody before he was born (pictured below).

I wanted to carry on the tradition, but with my grandma no longer with us, we didn’t know anyone who could sew. Luckily a co-worker friend of my moms that she could make it for us, we would just have to purchase the material. Here is the final product:

Meghan and I were extremely happy with the final result, and were grateful that my mom’s friend was able to make this for us.
Meghan and my mom headed to the baby shower, and I stayed behind doing some work on the house (it’s never finished!).

There were lots of gifts, and we took lots of pictures at home the following day of all of them, but I am not posting those here. Instead, just know that Baby Earley seems to be very loved already with everything that we received.
On thing that was not on our list, but something we surely needed, was a baby jail…err, I mean a ‘Pack and Play’. We purchased one from Amazon, and I got to setting it up when it arrived.

This one included a bassinet and toy bar for on the go sleeping and playing!
One of the last major things we had to think about was our dining table. Why that you ask? The one we had was not well suited for a high chair. I loved the look and design of it, an industrial cafeteria-style table, and it fit well with our decor, but we needed something that would expand for added room and something that would be more accommodating to a high chair. I had been trying to sell our table for months online with no luck, and then we got a bite. A woman and her husband were able to pick the table up on the 26th, and within about an hour, we were on the road heading to IKEA to pickup our new one. We already knew the one we wanted, we had picked it out several trips ago. We got to IKEA, maid a mad dash to get some meatballs (unfortunately the cashier system was down, so only one register was open the line was moving way too slow, so we bailed), and then made our way to the warehouse for the table and chairs. We had forgot to grab the chair cushions, so while Meghan made her way to the checkout, I went back into the showroom to grab the cushions. Once we got home, we went right to building, and here is the final result:

The table extends with a hidden leaf to accomodate more people, and the chair height allow for more easily adding a seat for the baby or a high chair on the end. Overall, very happy with the purchase.
We are now 7 weeks away (from the 40 week mark that is). Will the baby come on time? Will the baby come early? We shall see!