December means lots of things to many people. For me it typically means enjoying time with family. This year it also meant the first Christmas as a married couple, as well as the last Christmas as a “Party of Two”.
The week of Christmas, we had an appointment to see the doctor for the 28 week checkup and ultrasound. This was to be the last ultrasound from here on out we were told, unless they need to verify baby position (the baby is currently breech, but it’s still early).
The day before however, Meghan wasn’t feeling well on her day off. By the time I got home from work, I asked if she wanted to go to the hospital, and she said she did. When we arrived, finding the birthing unit (where her doctor told her to go) was not at all easy. We arrived at the double locked doors of the unit, with no signs mentioning how to get in. In fact, there was a sign prior to the double door that was actually pointing in the complete opposite direction for the birthing center. Yeah…a clusterfuck. After finally tracking a nurse down, she got us through the doors (apparently there’s a buzzer button/intercom system with no signage) and Meghan got herself checked in. She was experiencing flu-like symptoms, and turns out, she was quite dehydrated. With the fetal monitor hooked up, they started an IV on her, and after 2.5 bags, got her feeling well again. With the fetal monitor, we were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat the entire time…
After 5 hours there, we got to leave and head home.
The next day we headed to the scheduled doctor appointment. During the ultrasound, all of the measurements were coming back normal and everything was looking good…and then the ultrasound technician turned on the “4D” feature, and we were able to see the baby for the first time in something more than a flat image.

We got to see the baby move around in 3D (the 4th dimension is apparently a live view of the 3D ultrasound, which is what we were seeing). I made sure all the fingers and toes were there…no extra mutant appendages.
As of writing this, it is now January 4th, 2019. We are getting closer to the due date, which is March 20th. Not much longer now…